Why Fugitive Pedagogy Is a Book All Educators Should Be Reading Right Now

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes I mentioned in my last post that I'd be talking a bit more about something that is giving me hope and a way to think about how to navigate the next few years (or rest of my life--take your pick). And while I don't usually make blog titles so explicit, I really needed to with this one. I listened to Fugitive Pedagogy: Carter G. Woodson and the Art of Black Teaching by Jarvis Givens a few years ago and it's all I can think about since the current administration decided it wanted to root out anything related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. I recently had to relisten to it and read sections of it as well. Since January 2025, I've mentioned the book dozens of times if I've mentioned it once. The book explores the work of Carter G. Woodson and other Black educators in the 1900s. Carter G. Woodson 's impact is significant. He earned a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1912 and would play an important role in shaping t...